How to Configure Giscus


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Unlike Utterances, it’s a little bit complex to configure Giscus, since we have to configure the GitHub repository’s ID and the discussion category’s ID. This article describes how to set up Giscus properly.

Install and Configure Giscus App

Firstly, you’ll need to install and configure GitHub Giscus App for your public repository. Please making sure that your repository can be accessed by Giscus. For example.

Configure Giscus

Enable GitHub Discussion

The discussion is disabled by default, you should enable it for your repository.

  1. Navigate to the Settings.
  2. Switch to the General tab.
  3. Check the Discussions feature.

Fetch Repository ID and Discussion Category ID

And then get back to the Giscus site, and fill up the form.

  1. Type your repository on the repository input, i.e. hbstack/theme.
  2. Select the Discussion Category.

Once done, the data required by Giscus module will be shown under the Enable giscus section.

data-repoRepository name.
data-repo-idRepository ID.
data-categoryDiscussions category name.
data-category-idDiscussions category ID.