
Bootstrap Accordion Shortcode
A detailed guide of using the Bootstrap accordion shortcode to build vertically accordions. The FAQ is the most common use case of Bootstrap accordion component.
Bootstrap Toggle Shortcode

The config toggle is useful, but it’s limited to generate configuration code blocks in YAML, TOML and JSON languages. The toggle* shortcodes are designed to be more versatile.

Bootstrap Alert Shortcodes
Bootstrap Alert Shortcodes

The article describe how to use the bs/alert* shortcodes to generate alert messages.

Bootstrap Clearfix Shortcode

Quickly and easily clear floated content within a container by wrapping the content inside the bootstrap/clearfix shortcode.

Bootstrap Config Toggle Shortcode

This shortcode generates the code blocks in multiple languages from one code base. It is useful for projects that support configuring in multiple languages, such as TOML, JSON and YAML.

Install Bootstrap Module

This article shows how to install the Bootstrap module.