Quickly design and customize responsive, complex and beautiful Hero components with the Bootstrap shortcodes and the Hugo built-in shortcodes and the extended shortcodes.
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This article offers some hero examples that built with the Bootstrap shortcodes and the Hugo built-in shortcodes and the extended shortcodes.
Quickly design and customize responsive, complex and beautiful Hero components with the Bootstrap shortcodes and the Hugo built-in shortcodes and the extended shortcodes.
1{{< bs/container size=fluid class="text-center mb-5 px-4 py-5" >}}
3 {{% bs/col size=6 offset=3 class="text-center" %}}
4 ![Logo](/images/logo.png?height=120px)
5 {{% /bs/col %}}
7 {{< bs/display level=4 class="fw-bold" >}}
8 {{< param title >}}
9 {{< /bs/display >}}
11 {{< bs/lead class="mb-4" >}}
12 {{< param description >}}
13 {{< /bs/lead >}}
15 {{< html/div class="d-grid gap-3 d-sm-flex justify-content-sm-center flex-wrap" >}}
16 {{< bs/btn-link url="#" size=lg style=primary class="p-3" >}}Primary button{{< /bs/btn-link >}}
17 {{< bs/btn-link url="#" size=lg style=secondary class="p-3" >}}Secondary button{{< /bs/btn-link >}}
18 {{< /html/div >}}
20{{< /bs/container >}}
For example, text-bg-dark
represents the dark background.
Quickly design and customize responsive, complex and beautiful Hero components with the Bootstrap shortcodes and the Hugo built-in shortcodes and the extended shortcodes.
1{{< bs/container size=fluid class="text-center mb-5 px-4 py-5 text-bg-dark" >}}
3 {{% bs/col size=6 offset=3 class="text-center" %}}
4 ![Logo](/images/logo.png?height=120px)
5 {{% /bs/col %}}
7 {{< bs/display level=4 class="fw-bold" >}}
8 {{< param title >}}
9 {{< /bs/display >}}
11 {{< bs/lead class="mb-4" >}}
12 {{< param description >}}
13 {{< /bs/lead >}}
15 {{< html/div class="d-grid gap-3 d-sm-flex justify-content-sm-center flex-wrap" >}}
16 {{< bs/btn-link url="#" size=lg style=success class="p-3" >}}Primary button{{< /bs/btn-link >}}
17 {{< bs/btn-link url="#" size=lg style=light class="p-3" >}}Secondary button{{< /bs/btn-link >}}
18 {{< /html/div >}}
20{{< /bs/container >}}
Quickly design and customize responsive, complex and beautiful Hero components with the Bootstrap shortcodes and the Hugo built-in shortcodes and the extended shortcodes.
1{{< bs/container fluid "mb-5 px-4 py-5" >}}
3 {{< bs/row class="justify-content-center align-items-center" >}}
5 {{< bs/col size="12 lg:6" class="mb-3" >}}
6 {{< bs/display level=4 class="fw-bold text-center" >}}{{< param title >}}{{< /bs/display >}}
7 {{< bs/lead class="mb-4" >}}{{< param description >}}{{< /bs/lead >}}
8 {{< html/div class="d-grid gap-3 d-sm-flex justify-content-sm-center flex-wrap" >}}
9 {{< bs/btn-link url="#" size=lg class="p-3" >}}Primary button{{< /bs/btn-link >}}
10 {{< bs/btn-link url="#" size=lg style=secondary class="p-3" >}}Secondary button{{< /bs/btn-link >}}
11 {{< /html/div >}}
12 {{< /bs/col >}}
14 {{% bs/col size="lg:6" %}}
15 ![Example](/images/example.jpg)
16 {{% /bs/col %}}
18 {{< /bs/row >}}
20{{< /bs/container >}}