
Hugo Snackbar Module
A super lightweight (less then 50 lines code) snackbar module for Hugo, used to show short messages to clients, such as results of actions.
Hugo Code Block Panel Module
Hugo Code Block Panel Module
A simple code block panel module for Hugo, which includes expand toggle, code copy button, line number toggle and wrap toggle.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
This module offers support for Google Analytics. It’s built on top of Hugo internal Google Analytics template, and port it for HugoPress.
Hugo Gravatar Module
This module ships with several partials for Gravatar.
Hugo Utterances Module
This module add support for Utterances comments engine, a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues.
Hugo Giscus Module
This module add support for Giscus, a comments system powered by GitHub Discussions. Let visitors leave comments and reactions on your website via GitHub!
Hugo Mermaid Module
Hugo Mermaid Module
Mermaid lets you create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.
Hugo SEO Modules
This module ships with some sub modules to helps you generate SEO stuff, such as favicons, twitter cards, open graph, schema, alternatives and translations meta tags.
Hugo PWA Module
Hugo PWA Module
PWAs (Progressive web apps) are web apps developed using a number of specific technologies and standard patterns to allow them to take advantage of both web and native app features. The PWA module includes preliminary support for Hugo sites, see the features below.
Bootstrap Toggle Shortcode
The config toggle is useful, but it’s limited to generate configuration code blocks in YAML, TOML and JSON languages. The toggle* shortcodes are designed to be more versatile.
Bootstrap Alert Shortcodes
Bootstrap Alert Shortcodes
The article describe how to use the bs/alert* shortcodes to generate alert messages.