HugoMods Authors

HugoMods Authors

Contributors of HugoMods code and documentation.

This shortcode add support for JSRun, a online code editor for testing your code, such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Go, PHP and so on.
This shortcode add support for CodePen, a online code editor for testing your JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
This shortcode add support for JSFiddle, a online code editor for testing your JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
Bootstrap Ratio Shortcode
The ratio shortcode is perfect for responsively handling video or slideshow embeds based on the width of the parent.
This shortcode allows embedding the bilibili video in your content.
NetEase Cloud Music
The NetEase cloud music shortcode allows embedding the player in your content. Playlist, album and single song are supported.
Hugo Google Adsense Module
Hugo Google Adsense Module
This module offers Google AdSense support for Hugo and HugoPress.
Merge Renovate's PRs via Mergify Automatically
Merge Renovate's PRs via Mergify Automatically
The other day I successfully set up Renovate (automated dependency update application) for my Hugo modules and modular sites. But I soon realized that manually merging these PRs was very tedious. So I started looking for a way to automatically merge PRs.
Hugo I18n JS Module
A super simple and lightweight i18n JS module for Hugo, used to render i18n stuff in JS way.
Hugo Snackbar Module
A super lightweight (less then 50 lines code) snackbar module for Hugo, used to show short messages to clients, such as results of actions.
Hugo Code Block Panel Module
Hugo Code Block Panel Module
A simple code block panel module for Hugo, which includes expand toggle, code copy button, line number toggle and wrap toggle.
Hugo Google Analytics Module
Google Analytics is a free Web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.