The images module process images via URL query string and fragment, such as resize, crop, fit, fill and align images. This article offers some use cases for showing how to use it.
0.6.3 (2024-03-07) Features ✨ add the ico shortcode (#317) (3f66da3) shortcode accepts third positional parameter as the size (c3897e6) Bug Fixes 🐞 convert icon name to string to parse numeric icon correctly (42b1c14) remove duplicated class name (#315) (2d23160)
0.2.0 (2024-03-06) Features ✨ json-ld: add support for FAQs structure (#27) (9091f8c) Bug Fixes 🐞 json-ld: correct page context and transform structure template name (9091f8c)
0.16.0 (2024-03-05) Features add the params shortcode for listing parameters (ccf1f25) Bug Fixes hugo/shortcode-params: allow using shortcode on description (b2d012d)
Third party Hugo modules and tools for building fast, modular, modern themes and static websites.