Embed GitHub source file into HTML pages via the EmGitHub shortcode.
1{{< emgithub >}}
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
#0 | owner | string | - | Y |
The repository owner.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
#1 | repo | string | - | Y |
The repository name.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
#2 | file | string | - | Y |
The filename.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | border | boolean | true | - |
Whether to show the border.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | branch | string | main | - |
The branch name.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | copyButton | boolean | true | - |
Whether to show the copy button.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | fileMeta | boolean | true | - |
Whether to show the file meta.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | fullPath | boolean | true | - |
Whether to show the full path in meta.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | jsDelivr | boolean | false | - |
Whether to fetch raw files from jsDelivr instead of GitHub repository, could be faster but may experience the cache issue (new changes may not be reflected timely).
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | lineNumbers | boolean | true | - |
Whether to show the line numbers.
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | style | string | default | - |
The render style.
, a11y-dark
, a11y-light
, agate
, an-old-hope
, androidstudio
, arduino-light
, arta
, ascetic
, atom-one-dark
, atom-one-dark-reasonable
, atom-one-light
, brown-paper
, codepen-embed
, color-brewer
, dark
, devibeans
, docco
, far
, felipec
, foundation
, github
, github-dark
, github-dark-dimmed
, gml
, googlecode
, gradient-dark
, gradient-light
, grayscale
, hybrid
, idea
, intellij-light
, ir-black
, isbl-editor-dark
, isbl-editor-light
, kimbie-dark
, kimbie-light
, lightfair
, lioshi
, magula
, mono-blue
, monokai
, monokai-sublime
, night-owl
, nnfx-dark
, nnfx-light
, nord
, obsidian
, panda-syntax-dark
, panda-syntax-light
, paraiso-dark
, paraiso-light
, pojoaque
, purebasic
, qtcreator-dark
, qtcreator-light
, rainbow
, routeros
, school-book
, shades-of-purple
, srcery
, stackoverflow-dark
, stackoverflow-light
, sunburst
, tokyo-night-dark
, tokyo-night-light
, tomorrow-night-blue
, tomorrow-night-bright
, vs
, vs2015
, xcode
, xt256
, base16/3024
, base16/apathy
, base16/apprentice
, base16/ashes
, base16/atelier-cave
, base16/atelier-cave-light
, base16/atelier-dune
, base16/atelier-dune-light
, base16/atelier-estuary
, base16/atelier-estuary-light
, base16/atelier-forest
, base16/atelier-forest-light
, base16/atelier-heath
, base16/atelier-heath-light
, base16/atelier-lakeside
, base16/atelier-lakeside-light
, base16/atelier-plateau
, base16/atelier-plateau-light
, base16/atelier-savanna
, base16/atelier-savanna-light
, base16/atelier-seaside
, base16/atelier-seaside-light
, base16/atelier-sulphurpool
, base16/atelier-sulphurpool-light
, base16/atlas
, base16/bespin
, base16/black-metal
, base16/black-metal-bathory
, base16/black-metal-burzum
, base16/black-metal-dark-funeral
, base16/black-metal-gorgoroth
, base16/black-metal-immortal
, base16/black-metal-khold
, base16/black-metal-marduk
, base16/black-metal-mayhem
, base16/black-metal-nile
, base16/black-metal-venom
, base16/brewer
, base16/bright
, base16/brogrammer
, base16/brush-trees
, base16/brush-trees-dark
, base16/chalk
, base16/circus
, base16/classic-dark
, base16/classic-light
, base16/codeschool
, base16/colors
, base16/cupcake
, base16/cupertino
, base16/danqing
, base16/darcula
, base16/dark-violet
, base16/darkmoss
, base16/darktooth
, base16/decaf
, base16/default-dark
, base16/default-light
, base16/dirtysea
, base16/dracula
, base16/edge-dark
, base16/edge-light
, base16/eighties
, base16/embers
, base16/equilibrium-dark
, base16/equilibrium-gray-dark
, base16/equilibrium-gray-light
, base16/equilibrium-light
, base16/espresso
, base16/eva
, base16/eva-dim
, base16/flat
, base16/framer
, base16/fruit-soda
, base16/gigavolt
, base16/github
, base16/google-dark
, base16/google-light
, base16/grayscale-dark
, base16/grayscale-light
, base16/green-screen
, base16/gruvbox-dark-hard
, base16/gruvbox-dark-medium
, base16/gruvbox-dark-pale
, base16/gruvbox-dark-soft
, base16/gruvbox-light-hard
, base16/gruvbox-light-medium
, base16/gruvbox-light-soft
, base16/hardcore
, base16/harmonic16-dark
, base16/harmonic16-light
, base16/heetch-dark
, base16/heetch-light
, base16/helios
, base16/hopscotch
, base16/horizon-dark
, base16/horizon-light
, base16/humanoid-dark
, base16/humanoid-light
, base16/ia-dark
, base16/ia-light
, base16/icy-dark
, base16/ir-black
, base16/isotope
, base16/kimber
, base16/london-tube
, base16/macintosh
, base16/marrakesh
, base16/materia
, base16/material
, base16/material-darker
, base16/material-lighter
, base16/material-palenight
, base16/material-vivid
, base16/mellow-purple
, base16/mexico-light
, base16/mocha
, base16/monokai
, base16/nebula
, base16/nord
, base16/nova
, base16/ocean
, base16/oceanicnext
, base16/one-light
, base16/onedark
, base16/outrun-dark
, base16/papercolor-dark
, base16/papercolor-light
, base16/paraiso
, base16/pasque
, base16/phd
, base16/pico
, base16/pop
, base16/porple
, base16/qualia
, base16/railscasts
, base16/rebecca
, base16/ros-pine
, base16/ros-pine-dawn
, base16/ros-pine-moon
, base16/sagelight
, base16/sandcastle
, base16/seti-ui
, base16/shapeshifter
, base16/silk-dark
, base16/silk-light
, base16/snazzy
, base16/solar-flare
, base16/solar-flare-light
, base16/solarized-dark
, base16/solarized-light
, base16/spacemacs
, base16/summercamp
, base16/summerfruit-dark
, base16/summerfruit-light
, base16/synth-midnight-terminal-dark
, base16/synth-midnight-terminal-light
, base16/tango
, base16/tender
, base16/tomorrow
, base16/tomorrow-night
, base16/twilight
, base16/unikitty-dark
, base16/unikitty-light
, base16/vulcan
, base16/windows-10
, base16/windows-10-light
, base16/windows-95
, base16/windows-95-light
, base16/windows-high-contrast
, base16/windows-high-contrast-light
, base16/windows-nt
, base16/windows-nt-light
, base16/woodland
, base16/xcode-dusk
, base16/zenburn
Position | Name | Type | Default | Required |
- | type | string | markdown | - |
, code
, ipynb
If it looks strange when embedded into the target web pages, you’ll need to tweak the styles. Learn more on get started section.
You can also tweak the default values of those parameters globally.
2 emgithub:
3 border: true
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7 file_meta: true
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2 [params.emgithub]
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1{{< emgithub
2 owner="hugomods"
3 repo="shortcodes"
4 file="CHANGELOG.md"
1{{< emgithub
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3 repo=shortcodes
4 file="hugo.toml"
5 type=code